Overriding the Android CycleΒΆ

The SDK needs to execute some logic at the moment of creation and destruction of the contents adapted to Infantium, as well as at the moment of resuming and pausing those contents. To fully understand this, in case the native methods onResume and onPause are not familiar to you, you should check out the Android Activity Lifecycle page.

Once this is clear, those methods can be easily overwritten from your App by setting your own onResume and onPause which call their parent methods from your Activity. Inside those methods then it is where you should call the Infantium SDK methods that will take care of leaving your app in a consistent method. This is because many apps in the same tablet will be using the SDK, and it is important there are no receivers active from one app that could interfere with the others. All you have to do is overwrite the native methods and call the SDK functions. Here is an example of the code that would achieve this goal:

protected void onResume() {
        Log.i("Your-App-Tag", "--- Resumed MainActivity ---");  // Just for example purposes

protected void onPause() {
        Log.i("Your-App-Tag", "--- Paused MainActivity ---");  // Just for example purposes

With these simple two functions of two lines each (you can avoid the comments), the app will seamlessly integrate with other apps in the same tablet with Infantium, both at creation/destruction and at resuming/pausing!

Docs version: 2.3
Last update: April 24, 2014